Innovating for Health: Shaping the Future of Pharma Retail

Become a Leader in Pharmaceutical Innovation with Pharma IT Cluster

Empowering Collaboration in Pharmaceutical Retail

At Pharma IT Cluster, we're at the forefront of transforming pharmacy retail with innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. Our Cluster unites a variety of partners, each essential in advancing our shared goal to comprehensively serve the pharmaceutical industry's diverse needs.

Innovation Innovation
Growth Growth
Collaboration Collaboration
Explore Our Mission

Synergy System

A Collaborative Innovation by Our Members Tailoring Excellence in Pharmaceutical Retail.

Explore Synergy Solutions

Target Market

Pharmacy Chains

Pharmacy Associations

Pharmaceutical Wholesellers

Cosmetic store chains

Independant Pharmacies


Members play a critical role in our cluster, contributing specialized solutions and services to enhance the Synergy System, and actively collaborating to drive progress and innovation in the pharmaceutical market.

Become a Member


At the core of our mission is collaboration, fostering advancements and innovation through a united approach.


Our cluster thrives on mutual growth—partners enrich our ecosystem with their innovative products and services while gaining amplified market presence and collaborative opportunities for development.

Become a Partner